Friday, May 22, 2020
Zeitoun Essay example - 973 Words
TG 1 Valeria Franco April 1, 2011 English 28 Zeitoun Essay Zeitoun By: Dave Eggers After September 11, 2001 I’ve had trouble finding what makes me more angry; the way the authorities handled the hurricane of Katrina or the way the Arabs were treated. I have herd countless stories related to the 9/11 attack and until today I see the way that has affected the lives of many. Through Eggers story, I was able to comprehend more about the tragedy in New Orleans and even though I thought I already knew about the aftermath that Katrina brought, Eggers grabbed my attention by introducing me to the story of a Syrian-American middle aged man named Abdulrahman Zeitoun. He was a father of four, married to an American wife Kathy and owned a†¦show more content†¦Can you imagine sleeping in a tent on the the flat part of the roof? and during the day trying to save others while fighting the high polluted water with not only trash but dead people that once was shared this beautiful state. I couldn’t help worry about his wife Kathy, not only because she was alo ne with her four kids but if that’s not bad enough for her she is given a hard time because since she converted, her hijabb brought a lot of controversies not only to the citizens of American but to her own family as well. If that’s not enough to keep you in the edge of your seat I was worried along with her when she couldn’t get a hold of him, especially when she called her own home and some stranger answered her call. If I were her I would’ve lost it thinking the worst. The story soon looped into something more overwhelming than the simple tale of the hurricane Katrina. Zeitoun was arrested in his own home by six officers and it broke my heart that he actually thinks that they are there to help him, little did he know that they were there to hurt him and falsely charge him with looting. Obviously he was treated with the upmost unfair treatment because he was Muslim. He was immediately sent to a makeshift prison and wasn’t even allowed to have his one call, of course, had he been American this wouldn’t be the case. TG 3 Anyway, this definitely became his family worst nightmare because for all they knew he could haveShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Book Zeitoun By Dave Eggers988 Words  | 4 Pagessummer assignment, we were assigned to read Zeitoun by Dave Eggers, which recounts the story of a Muslim-American man named Abdulrahman Zeitoun who remained in New Orleans during 2005’s deadly Hurricane Katrina. While trapped in the city, Zeitoun paddles in his canoe in the flooded streets aiding those who are in danger; however, Zeitoun is suddenly arrested under accusations of being affiliated with an Al-Qaeda Terrorist Cell. Throughout the novel, Zeitoun is portrayed as a gentle and compassionateRead MoreZeitoun, By Dave Eggers1699 Words  | 7 Pages In the novel, Zeitoun by Dave Eggers, the main character, Abdulrahman Zeitoun, is an immigrant of Syria who stays in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina and is arrested due to the suspicion of looting, but really is arrested because of his race and how he looks. Zeitoun’s faith and loyalty to his community and home is tested through the many obstacles of Hurricane Katrina and including his religion, racism, and his very own dignity. The author, Dave Eggers who is also the speaker in novel, provesRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book Zeitoun By Dave Eggers978 Words  | 4 Pagesassignment, we were assigned to read Zeitoun by Dave Eggers, which recounts the true story of a Muslim-American man named Abdulrahman Zeitoun who remained in New Orleans during 2005’s deadly Hurricane Katrina. While trapped in the city, Zeitoun paddles in his canoe in the flooded streets coming to the aid of those who are in danger; however, Zeitoun is arrested under accusations of being affiliated w ith an Al-Qaeda Terrorist Cell. Throughout the novel, Zeitoun is portrayed as a gentle and compassionateRead MoreThe Destruction Of Dignity By Dave Eggers1757 Words  | 8 Pages, Dave Eggers, in his riveting novel Zeitoun retells the story of a New Orleans painter as he finds himself in the city following Hurricane Katrina. Throughout his harrowing journey throughout the aftermath, Eggers exhibits the horrifying results a disaster can have on the dignity of victims. There are countless examples throughout the novel of those who have been dispossessed of their dignity and humanity, and there is no better example than that of Zeitoun himself. Egger’s portrayal of the aftermathRead MoreThe Mistreatment Of The Zeitoun Family1493 Words  | 6 Pages Renowned journalist and author, Dave Eggers, in his famed novel, Zeitoun, recounts the mistreatment of the Zeitoun family in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina based on their racial and religious profiles in a post-9/11 America. His purpose is to reveal the unwarranted injustices faced by Muslim-American Hurricane Katrina victims through a description of the Zeitoun family’s experiences, in order to educate his readers of the impact discrimination has on emergency response. Eggers adopts a sympatheticRead MoreZeitoun Fight or Flight795 Words  | 3 Pagesit worth risking your life to protect your belongings and property when a Category 5 hurricane is barreling towards your city? Is it right to disregard reports about a storm because in past experiences the news has been wrong? In Zeitoun by Dave Eggers, a man named Zeitoun decides to let his family evacuate New Orleans without him so that he can stay behind and protect his several homes, business, and personal belongings from Category 5 hurricane Katrina. Once the hurricane passes, and he survivesRead MoreZeitoun Rhetorical Essay1440 Words  | 6 Pagesin Zeitoun, shows a story of a Muslim American family living through many challenges. After 9/11 Muslim families, like the Zeitouns, face many problems living in America. Eggers wants to inform other Americans on the situation of Muslim living in the United States, present day. People who are uneducated about the Muslim religion need to be informed on how similar lives are of other people all around the United States. These people throw out stereotypes and aim judgments wrongly at the Zeitoun familyRead MoreZeitoun Essay example2192 Words  | 9 PagesZeitoun Have you even judged someone on who he or she is or what they looked like? And have you ever had a bad experience or traumatic experience happens and you looked for someone or something to blame, but in reality there was nothing to blame? Well, a natural disaster can be blamed on no one, but in times like that emotions run wild and blame can be put on someone who fits a certain profile. Racism and Hurricane Katrina were two forces that clashed together to create an even bigger problem forRead MoreKaren Eggers s Zeitoun Essay938 Words  | 4 PagesKimberley A. Turner Elizabeth Miossec-Backer WR 121 19 October 2016 ZEITOUN-KATHY In Dave Eggers nonfiction novel Zeitoun, Kathy is an American woman who converts from Christianity to Islam before marrying her Syrian-born Muslim husband, Abdulrahman Zeitoun. Together, they have three daughters and own and operate a painting company in New Orleans. In her earlier years, Kathy found herself divorced with an infant son working fifty hours a week. â€Å"†¦.her life was a struggle, and she was looking forRead MoreSummary Of Dave Eggers s Zeitoun 1028 Words  | 5 PagesDave Eggers, addresses the endeavors of Zeitoun during and after Hurricane Katrina in his book â€Å"Zeitoun.†His goal is to educate the audience about the prejudices and troubles experienced during the disaster. A formal, yet sympathetic tone is used in the book to not only inform the audience about the hardships experienced by Zeitoun, but to also encourage sympathy among the audience. One struggle he focuses on is Islamophobia and how it negatively affects Zeitoun and his family. He shows this through
Sunday, May 10, 2020
Marion Kauffman was born in a middle class family in...
Marion Kauffman was born in a middle class family in Missouri. When he was eight years old his family decided to move Kansas City. He was on diagnosis with leakage of heart an event which changed his entire life. Doctors asked him for a complete one year rest and he was not allowed to sit up. Kauffman’s mother a lady who first identified the leadership skills in him came up with a solution to keep the active 11- year old boy lying in bed- reading. Kauffman read 40 to 50 books every month and read the biographies of all the presidents, the frontiersmen, and other famous business people and gained inspiration by reading these biographies. When he recovered from his disease, he started his career as a salesman. Since his family did not have a†¦show more content†¦Kauffman’s entrepreneurial and leadership skills made him so successful that he established the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation with the objective to help young people, especially to those who cannot afford a quality education and provide the employment opportunities. He always wanted his foundation to be innovative and find issues in people lives and bring some change in their lives. Kauffman’s philosophies which made him successful are very simple and every business person can implement his philosophies easily these are treating employees as associates and sharing the profits with them fairly, he brought the concept of inverted pyramid hierarchy in which decision making was given to frontline workers and empowered them to take decisions in the better interest of the company and this gamble worked and made Marion Laborites one of the top leading pharmaceutical companies in the world. Kauffman’s corporate entrepreneurship spirit was the key to his success because he wanted his associates to think like an entrepreneur and come up with unique ideas that he always wanted from his associates (employees). Kauffman’s foundation now works on two areas these are youth development and entrepreneurship. Kauffman’s endeavors to make future better and makes others life better that is why h is still a beloved figure of the Kansas City and the nation as well because he not only made money
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Haemoglobinopathy Free Essays
Review Article Indian J Med Res 134, October 2011, pp 552-560 Invasive non-invasive approaches for prenatal diagnosis of haemoglobinopathies: Experiences from India R. B. Colah, A. We will write a custom essay sample on Haemoglobinopathy or any similar topic only for you Order Now C. Gorakshakar A. H. Nadkarni National Institute of Immunohaematology (ICMR), Mumbai, India Received October 29, 2010 The thalassaemias and sickle cell disease are the commonest monogenic disorders in India. There are an estimated 7500 – 12,000 babies with ? -thalassaemia major born every year in the country. While the overall prevalence of carriers in different States varies from 1. to 4 per cent, recent work has shown considerable variations in frequencies even within States. Thus, micromapping would help to determine the true burden of the disease. Although screening in antenatal clinics is being done at many centres, only 15-20 per cent of pregnant women register in antenatal clinics in public hospitals in the first trimester of pregnancy. There are only a handful of centres in major cities in this vast country where prenatal diagnosis is done. There is considerable molecular heterogeneity with 64 mutations identified, of which 6 to 7 common mutations account for 80-90 p er cent of mutant alleles. First trimester foetal diagnosis is done by chorionic villus sampling (CVS) and DNA analysis using reverse dot blot hybridization, amplification refractory mutation system (ARMS) and DNA sequencing. Second trimester diagnosis is done by cordocentesis and foetal blood analysis on HPLC at a few centres. Our experience on prenatal diagnosis of haemoglobinopathies in 2221 pregnancies has shown that 90 per cent of couples were referred for prenatal diagnosis of ? -thalassaemia after having one or more affected children while about 35 per cent of couples were referred for prenatal diagnosis of sickle cell disorders prospectively. There is a clear need for more data from India on non-invasive approaches for prenatal diagnosis. Key words Haemoglobinopathies – India – invasive and non-invasive approaches – prenatal diagnosis Introduction The inherited disorders of haemoglobin are the most common monogenic disorders globally. Around 7 per cent of the population worldwide are carriers with more than 3,00,000 severely affected babies born every year1. Prenatal diagnosis is an integral component of a community control programme for haemoglobinopathies. Estimating the disease burden, generating awareness in the population, screening 552 o identify carriers and couples at – risk and genetic counselling are prerequisites for a successful prevention programme. The remarkable success of such programmes in the 1970s in Cyprus, Italy, Greece and the UK led to the development of control programmes in many other countries2-6. The extent of the problem in India ? -thalassaemia has been reported in most of the communities that have been screened so far in India. While the overall prevalence varies from 1. 5 to 4 per COLAH et al: PRENATAL DIAGNOSIS OF HAEMOGLOBINOPATHIES IN INDIA 553 ent in different States, communities like Sindhis, Punjabis, Lohanas, Kutchi Bhanushalis, Jains and Bohris have a higher prevalence (4-17%)7-12. Different reportshaveestimatedthat7500-12,000? -thalassaemia major babies would be born in India each year12 -14. It has also been shown recently by micromapping at the district level in two States, Maharashtra and Gujarat in westernIndiathattheprevalenceof? -thalassaemiatrait in different districts within these States is variable (0 9. 5%). Based on these estimates there would be around 1000birthsof? thalassaemiamajorbabieseachyear in these two States alone15. Thus, such data should be obtained from different States to know the true burden of the disease and for planning and executing control programmes. Haemoglobin S (Hb S) is prevalent in central India and among the tribal belts in western, eastern and southern India, the carrier rates varying from 1-40 per cent16-18. It has been estimated that over 5000 babies with sickle cell disease would be born each year19. Haemoglobin E is widespread in the north eastern States in Assam, Mizoram, Manipur, Arunachal Pradesh and Tripura, the prevalence of Hb E trait being highest (64%) among the Bodo-Kacharis in Assam and going up to 30-40 per cent in some other populations in this region20-22. In eastern India the prevalence of Hb E trait varies from 3-10 per cent in West Bengal8,23. Both Hb E andHbSwhenco-inheritedwith? -thalassaemiaresult in a disorder of variable clinical severity24-26. These inherited haemoglobin disorders cause considerable pain and suffering to the patients and their families and are a major drain on health resources in the country. The need for accurate identification of carries and couples at risk Classical ? thalassaemia carriers have typically reduced red cell indices [mean corpuscular volume (MCV)T) ? + 3. -87 (CT) ? + 4. -80 (CT) ? + 5. -29 (AG) ? + 6. -28 (AG) ? + 7. -25 (AG) ? + B. Cap site 1. +1 (AC) ? + C. Initiation codon 1. ATG ACG ? 0 D. RNA processing mutations i) Splice junction site 1. Codon 30 (GC) ? 0 2. Codon 30 (GA) ? 0 3. IVS 1-1 (GT) ? 0 4. IVS 1-1 ( GA) ? 0 5. IVS 1-129 (AC) ? 0 6. IVS 1-130 (GC) ? 0 7. IVS 1-130 (GA) ? 0 8. IVS II-1 (GA) ? 0 (ii) Consensus site 1. IVS 1-5 (GC) ? + 2. IVS 1-128 (TAG GAG) ? + 3. IVS II-837 (TG) ? (iii) IVS changes 1. IVS I-110 (GA) ? + 2. IVS II-591 (TC) ? + 3. IVS II-613 (CT) ? + 4. IVS II-654 (CT) ? + 5. IVS II-745 (CG) ? + iv) Coding region changes 1. Codon 26 (GA) Hb E ? + E. RNA translational mutations i) Nonsense 1. Codons 4,5,6 (ACT CCT GAG ACA TCT ? 0 TAG) 2. Codon 5 (-CT), Codon 13 (CT), Codon 26 ? (GC), Codons 27/28 (+C) in cis 3. Codon 6 (GAG TAG) and on the same ? 0 chromosome Codon 4 (ACT ACA) , Codon 5 (CCTTCT) 4. Codon 8 (AG) ? 5. Codon 13 (CT), Codon 26 (GA), Codons ? 27/28 (-C) in cis 6. Codon 15 (TGG TAG) ? 0 7. Codons 62-64 (7 bp del) ? 0 8. Codons 81-87 (22 bp del) ? 9. Codon 121 (GT) ? 0 Contd†¦. themselves, today their relatives and extended families are coming forward to get screened38. There is only one centre in Lucknow in north India which offers a formal course for genetic counsellors and there is a need for more such courses throughout the country. Counsellors should be aware that couples at risk of havingachildwith? -thalassaemiamajor,sicklecell disease, Hb S ? -thalassaemia, Hb E ? -thalassaemia, – ? -thalassaemia, Hb Lepore ? -thalassaemia and Hb SD disease should be given the option of prenatal diagnosis to avoid the birth of a child with a severe disorder. However, couples at risk of having a child with Hb D disease, Hb D ? -thalassaemia and Hb E disease do not require prenatal diagnosis as these disorders are mild. InSardinia,identificationofthemaximumnumber of carriers followed by effective genetic counselling helpedtoreducethebirthrateof? -thalassaemiamajor babies from 1:250 to 1:400039. Prenatal diagnosis The first initiatives in India Facilities for prenatal diagnosis became available in India in the mid 1980s40. Until then, although prenatal diagnosis was offered by a few centres, foetal samples were sent to the UK and other countries for analysis. Foetal blood sampling by foetoscopy done between 18 and 22 wk gestation and diagnosis by globin chain synthesis were done for the next 4 to 5 years at 2 centres in Mumbai40,41. Chorionic villus sampling and DNA analysis in the first trimester In the 1990s first trimester foetal diagnosis by chorionic villus sampling (CVS) and DNA analysis was established at 4-5 centres in the north in Delhi42, in the west in Mumbai41,43,44 and in the south in Vellore45. These services then expanded to other cities like Lucknow and Chandigarh in the north46,47, and Kolkata in the east48. However, these services are still limited to major cities where couples are referred to or CVS samples are sent from surrounding areas. Molecular analysis ? -thalassaemia is extremely heterogeneous with more than 200 mutations described worldwide49. In India, about 64 mutations have been characterized by studies done at different centres30,31,49-51 (Table I). Six to seven mutations [IVS 1-5 (G? C), 619 bp deletion, IVS 1-1 (G? T), Codon 8/9 (+G), Codons 41/42 (-CTTT), COLAH et al: PRENATAL DIAGNOSIS OF HAEMOGLOBINOPATHIES IN INDIA (ii) Frameshift 1. Codon 5 (-CT) 2. Codons 7/8 (+G) 3. Codon 8 (-AA) 4. Codons 8/9(+G) 5. Codon 13 (CT) 6. Codon 15 (-T) 7. Codon 16 (-C) 8. Codon 16 (CT) 9. Codon 17 (AT) 10. Codons 22-24 (7 bp del) 11. Codon 26 (GT) 12. Codon 35 (AG) 13. Codons 36/37 (-T) 14. Codons 36-39 (8 bp del) 15. Codon 39 (CT) 16. Codon 44 (-C) 17. Codons 47/48 (+ATCT) 18. Codon 55 (+A) 19. Codon 55 (-A) 20. Codons 57/58 (+A) 21. Codon 88 (+T) 22. Codons 106/107 (+G) 23. Codon 110 (TC) 24. Codon 111 (-G) 25. Codon 135 (CT) F. RNA cleavage and polyadenylation mutation 1. AATAAAAACAAA G. Deletional mutations 1. 619 bp deletion; 3’end 2. 10. 3 kb deletion 3. Codons 126-131 (17 bp deletion) Source: Refs 30, 31, 49-51 55 ?0 ? 0 ? 0 ? 0 ? 0 ? 0 ? 0 ? 0 ? 0 ? 0 ? 0 ? 0 ? 0 ? 0 ? 0 ? 0 ? 0 ? 0 ? 0 ? 0 ? 0 ? 0 ? 0 ? + ? 0 ? + ? 0 ? 0 ? 0 Fig. 1. Regionaldistributionof? -thalassaemiamutationinIndia. molecular techniques like covalent reverse dot blot hybridization (CRDB), amplification refractory mutation system (ARMS), denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE), and DNA sequencing43,44,52. Foet al blood analysis in the second trimester Most of the prenatal diagnosis programmes in the Mediterranean countries started with second trimester foetal blood analysis but they were able to switch over tofirsttrimesterdiagnosisinashortspan5,39. In India, second trimester diagnosis is still done as manycouplesatriskareidentifiedlateduringpregnancy. Foetal blood sampling is done by cordocentesis at 18 to20wkgestationandafterconfirmingthatthereisno maternal contamination in the foetal sample by foetal cell staining using the Kleihauer-Betke method, it is analysed by HPLC on the Variant Hemoglobin Testing System (Bio Rad Laboratories, Hercules, USA). The HbA levels in foetuses affected with ? -thalassaemia major have ranged from 0 to 0. 5 per cent and these were distinguishable from heterozygous babies where the Hb A levels were 1. per cent in different studies. However, there was some overlap in Hb A levels between heterozygotes and normals53-55. Sickle cell disease and Hb E thalassaemia have also been diagnosed in this way. On the other hand, experience in Thailand showed that while ? 0 thalassaemia homozygotes and HbE-? 0 thalassaemia compound heterozygotes could be diagnosed by HPLC analysis of foetal blood, ? ++ thalassaem ia homozygotes may be misdiagnosed as heterozygotes56. Amniotic fluid cells have not been used extensively in India for prenatal diagnosis of haemoglobinopathies. Codon 15 (G? A), Codon 30 (G? C)] are common accounting for 85-95 per cent of mutant alleles. However, regional differences in their frequencies have been noted30,31,50,51 (Fig. 1). The prevalence of IVS 1 -5 (G? C), the most common mutation in India varies from 15-88 per cent in different States. Codon 15 (G? A) is the second most frequent mutation in Maharashtra and Karnataka and Codon 5 (-CT) is the third most common mutation in Gujarat. The -88 (C? T) and the Cap site +1 (A? C) mutations are more common in the northern region30,31,50. The 619 bp deletion is the most common mutation among the immigrant population from Pakistan. This knowledge on the distribution of mutations in different regions and in people of different ethnic backgrounds has facilitated prenatal diagnosis using 556 INDIAN J MED RES, OCTOBER 2011 Experience at National Institute Immunohaematology (NIIH), Mumbai of Bothfirstandsecondtrimesterprenataldiagnosis for the ? -thalassaemias and sickle cell disorders are done at National Institute of Immunohaematology, Mumbai, and over the last 25 years 2,221 pregnancies at risk have been investigated (Table II). While majority of the couples were at risk of having children with ? thalassaemia major, a significant number of couples at risk of having children with sickle cell disorders have been referred for prenatal diagnosis in the last 4 to 5 years. Our experience in western India has shown that there are still very few couples (G; or codon 35 ? (A? G) at alpha -beta chain interfaces. Ann Hematol 2009; 88 : 1269-71. 52. Old JM, Varawalla NY, Weatherall DJ. 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Application of automated HPLC in prenatal diagnosis of thalassemia. Lab Hematol 2002; 8 : 29-35. 57. Holzgreve W. Will ultrasound screening and ultrasound guided procedures be replaced by non-invasive techniques for the diagnosis of fetal chromosome anomalies? Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 1997; 9 : 217-9. 58. Steele CD, Wapner RJ, Smith JB, Haynes MK, Jackson LG. Prenatal diagnosis using fetal cells isolated from maternal peripheral blood. Clin. Obstet Gynecol 1996; 39 : 801-13. 59. Mesker WE, Ouwerkerk-vn Velzen MC, Oosterwijk JC, Bernini LF, Golbus MS, Kanhai HH, et al. Two colour immunocytochemical staining of gamma and epsilon type hemoglobin in fetal red cells. Prenat Diagn 1998; 18 : 1131-7. 60. Takabayashi H, Kuwabara S, Ukita T, Ikawa K, Yamafuji K, Igarashi T. Development of non-invasive fetal DNA diagnosis from maternal blood. Prenat Diagn 1995; 15 : 74-7. 61. Cheung MC, Goldberg JD, Kan YW. Prenatal diagnosis of sickle cell anemia and thalassemia by analysis of fetal cells in maternal blood. Nat Genet 1996; 14 : 264-8. 62. Di Naro E, Ghezzi F, Vitucci A, Tannoia N, Campanale D, D’ Addario V, et al. Prenataldiagnosisof? -thalassemiausing fetal erythroblasts enriched from maternal blood by a novel gradient. Mol Hum Reprod 2000; 6 : 571-4. 63. Kolialexi A, Vrettou C, Traeger-Synodinos J, Burgemeister R, Papantoniou N, Kanavakis E, et al. Non invasive prenatal diagnosisof? -thalassemiausingindividualfetalerythroblasts isolated from maternal blood after enrichment. Prenat Diagn 2007; 27 : 1228-32. 64. D’Souza E, Sawant PM, Nadkarni AH, Gorakshakar A, Mohanty D, Ghosh K, et al. Evaluation of the use of monoclonal antibodies and nested PCR for non-invasive prenatal diagnosis of hemoglobinopathies in India. Am J Clin Pathol 2008; 130 : 202-9. 65. Lo YM, Corbetta N, Chamberlain PF, Rai V, Sargent IL, Redman CW, et al. Presence of fetal DNA in maternal plasma and serum. Lancet 1997; 350 : 485-7. 66. Lo YM, Tein MS, Lau TK, Haines CJ, Leung TN, Poon PM, et al. Quantitaive analysis of fetal DNA in maternal plasma and serum: implications for non invasive prenatal diagnosis. Am J Hum Genet 1998; 62 : 768-75. 67. Lun FMF, Chiu RWK, Allen Chan KC, Lau TK, Leung TY, Dennis Lo YM. Microfluidics digital PCR reveals a higher than expected fraction of fetal DNA in maternal plasma. Clin Chem 2008; 54 : 1664-72. 68. Li Y, Zimmermann B, Rusterholz C, Kang A, Holzgrave W, Hahn S. Size separation of circulating DNA in maternal plasma permits ready detection of fetal DNA polymorphisms. Clin Chem 2004; 50 : 1002-11. 69. Chiu RW, Lau TK, Leung TK, Chow KC, Chui DH, Lo YM. Prenatal exclusion of beta thalassemia major by examination of maternal plasma. Lancet 2002; 360 : 998-1000. 560 INDIAN J MED RES, OCTOBER 2011 beta thalassemia point mutation by MALDI – TOF mass spectrometry. Fetal Diagn Ther 2009; 25 : 246-9. Papasavva T, Kalikas I, Kyrri A, Kleanthous M. Arrayed primer extension for the noninvasive prenatal diagnosis of beta thalassemia based on detection of single nucleotide polymorphism. Ann N Y Acad Sci USA 2008; 1137 : 302-8. Li Y, Di Naro E, Vitucci A, Zimmermann B, Holzgreve W, Hahn S. Detection of paternally inherited fetal point mutations for beta thalassemia using size fractionated cell free DNA in maternal plasma. J Am Med Assoc 2005; 293 : 843-9. Chan K, Yam I, Leung KY, Tang M, Chan TK, Chan V. Detection of paternal alleles in maternal plasma for noninvasive prenatal diagnosis in beta thalassemia: a feasibility study in southern China. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Repord Biol 2010; 150 : 28-33. Lo YMD. Non invasive prenatal diagnosis in 2020. Prenat Diagn 2010; 30 : 702-3. 70. Papasavva T, Kalakoutis G, Kalikas I, Neokli E, Papacharalambous S, Kyrri A, et al. Non-invasive prenatal diagnostic assay for the detection of beta thalassemia. Ann NY Acad Sci USA 2006; 1075 : 148-53. 71. Tungwiwat W, Fucharoen G, Fucharoen S, Ratanasiri T, Sanchaisuriya K, Sae- Ung N. Application of maternal plasma DNA analysis for noninvasive prenatal diagnosis of Hb E beta thalassemia. Transl Res 2007; 150 : 319-25. 72. Lazaros L, Hatzi E, Bouba I, Makrydimas G, Dalkalitsis N, Stefos T, et al. Noninvasivefirsttrimesterdetectionofpaternal beta globin gene mutations and polymorphisms as predictors of thalassemia risk at chorionic villus sampling. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Repord Biol 2008; 140 : 17-20. 73. Li Y, Di Naro E, Vitucci A, Grill S, Ahong XY, Holzgreve W, et al. Size fractionation of cell free DNA in maternal plasma improves the detection of a paternally inherited 74. 75. 76. 77. Reprint requests: Dr Roshan Colah, Scientist F, National Institute of Immunohaematology (ICMR), 13th Floor, NMS Bldg, KEM Hospital Campus, Parel, Mumbai 400 012, India e-mail: colahrb@gmail. com How to cite Haemoglobinopathy, Papers
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