Saturday, November 30, 2019
What Is Realism Essay Example For Students
What Is Realism Essay Realism is the movement toward representing reality as it is, in art. Realistic drama is an attempt to portray life on stage, a movement away from the conventional melodramas and sentimental comedies of the 1700s. It is expressed in theatre through the use of symbolism, character development, stage setting and storyline and is exemplified in plays such as Henrik Ibsen’s A Doll’s House and Anton Chekhov’s The Three Sisters. The arrival of realism was indeed good for theatre as it promoted greater audience involvement and raised awareness of contemporary social and moral issues. It also provided and continues to provide a medium through which playwrights can express their views about societal values, attitudes and morals. A Doll’s House is the tragedy of a Norwegian housewife who is compelled to challenge law, society and her husband’s value system. It can be clearly recognized as a realistic problem drama, for it is a case where the individual is in opposition to a hostile society. Ibsen’s sympathy with the feminine cause has been praised and criticized; as he requires the audience to judge the words and actions of the characters in order to reassess the values of society. We will write a custom essay on What Is Realism specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now The characters in A Doll’s House are quite complex and contradictory, no longer stereotypes. In Act II, Nora expresses her repulsion about a fancy dress worn to please Torvald (her husband): â€Å"I wish I’d torn it to pieces†; she attempts to restore it and resign herself to her situation right after: â€Å"I’ll ask Mrs Linde to help†. In Act III, Torvald ignores his wife’s plea for forgiveness in order to make a moral judgement: â€Å"You’ve killed my happiness. You’ve destroyed my future†. â€Å"I can never trust you again. †Later on in the same act, he contradicts himself: â€Å"I’ll change. I can change-†; much after Nora confronts him: â€Å"Sit here, Torvald. We have to come to terms†. â€Å"? There’s a lot to say†. Here, Ibsen shows us he has worked in depth with the psychology of the characters, giving them a sense of complexity and realism. Playgoers therefore recognize the revelation of characters through memory. Thus drama became an experience closely impinging on the conscience of the audience. Ibsen was also unique for his use of symbolism to assist realism on stage. Symbolic significance is presented through the detail of design, props and actions of the characters. For example, in Act III, Nora goes offstage to get changed; â€Å"I’m changing. No more fancy dress†. It is a symbolic representation of her personal change, one where she has come to the realization that she has been living the life of a doll, confined to the roles of a â€Å"featherbrain†, â€Å"plaything†, â€Å"dove†, â€Å"skylark†and â€Å"songbird†. Thus, symbolism enhanced realism, and its effect can be seen as positive in the sense that it stirred conscious awareness of values. The stage settings of A Doll’s House are an integral part of the theatrical design, and not mere dcor to be overlooked. The setting in Act II; â€Å" he Christmas tree stands stripped of its decorations and with its candles burnt to stumps†is symbolic of the lack of happiness in Nora’s life at that moment. Also the change of setting in Act III; â€Å"The tables and chairs have been moved centre†foreshadows a character change that will take place in Nora. The many references to doors also have significance beyond the stage directions. The play begins with the opening of the door and finishes with the â€Å"slamming†of the door. Nora enters the doll’s house with the values of society and departs from it, symbolizing her rejection of them. All these intricacies of play settings and characters depict realism on stage. Ultimately, it has been good for theatre because it presents the playwright’s ideas in interesting and original ways. Realism, as expressed through symbolism, also draws the attention of the audience, thus stimulating moral thought, and stirring reaction. Realism is also defined as art-imitating life (source). This is a fitting account of Anton Chekhov’s plays, for they tend to show the stagnant, helpless quality of Russian society in the late C19th. .ud37262b8f3e3c96ed28316fc135b65a9 , .ud37262b8f3e3c96ed28316fc135b65a9 .postImageUrl , .ud37262b8f3e3c96ed28316fc135b65a9 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ud37262b8f3e3c96ed28316fc135b65a9 , .ud37262b8f3e3c96ed28316fc135b65a9:hover , .ud37262b8f3e3c96ed28316fc135b65a9:visited , .ud37262b8f3e3c96ed28316fc135b65a9:active { border:0!important; } .ud37262b8f3e3c96ed28316fc135b65a9 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ud37262b8f3e3c96ed28316fc135b65a9 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ud37262b8f3e3c96ed28316fc135b65a9:active , .ud37262b8f3e3c96ed28316fc135b65a9:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ud37262b8f3e3c96ed28316fc135b65a9 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ud37262b8f3e3c96ed28316fc135b65a9 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ud37262b8f3e3c96ed28316fc135b65a9 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ud37262b8f3e3c96ed28316fc135b65a9 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ud37262b8f3e3c96ed28316fc135b65a9:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ud37262b8f3e3c96ed28316fc135b65a9 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ud37262b8f3e3c96ed28316fc135b65a9 .ud37262b8f3e3c96ed28316fc135b65a9-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ud37262b8f3e3c96ed28316fc135b65a9:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Wassup EssayQuite evident in The Three Sisters, when Tuzenbakh illustrates realism; â€Å"The suffering we see around us these days – and there’s plenty of it – is at least a sign that society has reached a certain moral level. †Hence, while the portrayal of life here seemed ‘gloomy and pessimestic’, it was still good for theatre in that it presented issues which audiences could identify with. It was also more intellectual theatre when the playwright could express their views, compared with the conventional dramas that merely played out fiction. Chekhov tends to portray people who are perpetually unsatisfied, such as Olga; â€Å"I felt my youth and energy draining away, drop by drop each day. Only one thing grows stronger and stronger, a certain longing. †(Act 1). This is reflective of Chekhov’s realistic character work, where people dream to improve their lives, but most fail. Realism here effectively presents harsh realities onstage, and not having to promote idealistic ways of life. Reality is difficult as Olga expresses; â€Å"What is all this for? Why all this suffering? The answer will be known one day, and then there will be no mysteries left, but till then, life must go on, we must work and work and think of nothing else. †(Act IV). Chekhov also exposes human foibles and anti-social tendencies, such as with the character Natasha; â€Å"you have so many people here. I feel awfully nervous? I am just not used to meeting new people. †Thus, audiences can sympathize and identify with characters, as these traits are reflective of certain aspects of the human condition. So realism in theatre has been good in the respect that it has greater impact when there are elements of truth in the play. In the final analysis, the arrival of realism has been good for theatre primarily because it promoted greater audience involvement. While the portrayal of realistic issues may have been contentious in some cases, such as in A Doll’s House, it nevertheless stirred reaction, which encouraged moral thought. However, one could argue that its arrival has lead to less use of the imagination. In either case, realism has raised awareness of social and moral issues and the playwright’s views serve to challenge the audience ultimately making theatre more interactive and interesting.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Student Relationship Essays
Teacher/Student Relationship Essays Teacher/Student Relationship Essay Teacher/Student Relationship Essay Name: Instructor: Course: Date: Teacher/Student Relationship Education has always been considered as the key to success. It is however becoming more evident that the education system is increasingly becoming irrelevant. The irrelevance of the system is because of the pedagogical approaches that are aimed at forcing information on students in a manner that undermines the process of education. The banking concept of education by Paulo Freire depicts education as one that is keen on enhancing memorization rather than enhancing understanding. This system is teacher centered as opposed to learner centered. Many have agreed with this analysis and have advocated for a complete overhaul of the education system to one that takes into account students passions and interests to make learning a fulfilling experience. The movie â€Å"School of Rock†is an American musical comedy that depicts the kind f pedagogical experience that Paolo Freire is proposing where the teacher and the learner share a bond in the learning process that translates into tr ue knowledge. Freire contends that students and teachers have to become partners in the learning process. Dewey Finn is a struggling rock artist who has taken up a job as a teacher (Rudin). However, his teaching methods are not effective (Rudin). His teaching skills at this point are determined by his ability to deliver content. This depicts the traditional methods of education where the teacher is expected to act as a narrator (Freire 71). The concept o the narrator by Paolo Freire proposes that a teacher is the sole holder of information and that the students are expected to listen to what he teacher is saying without question. The teacher is deemed as being superior and that students have knowledge gaps that only the teacher can fill. In this sense, students’ brains are receptacles waiting to be filled. This in turn undermines critical thinking by learners where they are allowed to analyze and review the content being taught by the teacher (Freire 73). The situation Dewey Finn is faced with clearly illustrates the problem with the education system. The problem is that if the teacher is limited in their ability to be a ‘narrator’ then learning cannot take place. The education system as stipulated by Freire is one that requires the teacher to be versed with vast amount of knowledge, without which, the learning process stalls. The process of education according to Freire should be one that enhances communication between the teacher and the student. Freire argues that goals outlined in traditional or banking educational systems must be done away with and should be replaced â€Å"with the posing of the problems of human beings in their relations with the world†(Freire 75). Traditional teaching methods are better when they are used together with active teaching-learning strategies. Dewey Finn in teaching his class employs the use of traditional teaching methods while at the same time actively involving the class in the learning process. Dewey Finn, the substitute teacher realizes that his class is interested in music, especially pop and hip-hop (Rudin). He dedicates his time to improve his learners’ skills and assisting them to get ready for a competition dubbed â€Å"battle of the bans†. In the process, he reveals t his class the development of rock through history so that they can understand what it is they are learning. This is an aspect of traditional teaching process where teacher assumes the role of knowledge bearer. However, Dewey Finn as a teacher allows the class to practice music allowing them to be creative and produce their own material. Here, an integration of the traditional teaching approach and encouraging learner participa tion allows the student to develop a better appreciation of course content. In essence, this approach reduces learners need to memorize while at the same time improves the relationship between the learner and tutor. Problem posing education is a concept that focuses on practical or realistic application of concepts and theories that have been learned through education (Freire 81). The problem posing approach is effective in situation where learners need to use their cognitive ability and become creative during the learning process. In this sense, children must understand that what they learn in the classroom can help in shaping the world in which hey live. Freire proposes that when students are presented with problems rather than just information, then the education process is less alienated and becomes more practical. The teacher in this sense is â€Å"always cognitive†(Freire 80). The teacher engages the students in dialogue and conducts project that enhance the learners critical thinking. The movie shows that Dewey Finn is thinking critically when teaching his students. He is aware of his students’ musical interests in pop and hip-hop. He ensures that he is able to integrate all these interest into creating a class rock band. Music in itself is a process of critical thinking. Musical compositions require the composer to analyze musical choices to ensure that a composition constitutes harmony. Dewey Finn in the movie â€Å"School of Rock†in which his students were to perform during the battle of the bands competition. One important aspect of Dewey Finn as a teacher is that he is motivated to make his learners share the same passion he has for music. There is evidence in the movie that the learners are thinking critically. Music is inherently a creative process where critical thinking is vital. While the Dewey Finn was teaching his class a song for them to perform for the battle of the bands, the class finally performs a song â€Å"School of Rock†a song that as written by their lead guitarist Zack Mooneyham (Rudin). This is the embodiment of Freire’s position when he says that he teachers thought process achieves authenticity by the authenticity of his student’s thinking (Freire 77). In this sense, Dewey Finn managed to develop Zack Mooneyham’s ability to be creative without his help thus, qualifying Dewey Finns’ teaching methods. Oppression through education is the process through which the teacher inhibits the learner’s ability to think critically by using teaching methods that aim to store information in the learner’s brain rather than enhancing understanding. In this regard, the movie exhibits how Dewey Finn exercised educational freedom where learners have the ability to express opinions and ideas creating an interactive learning process and improving the teacher-learner relationship. The freedom of education has been expressed through the ability of students to come up with heir own musical compositions. The teacher in this sense does not oppress the learner’s creative mind by insisting on his knowledge. It is evident that the movie â€Å"School of Rock†ensures that learners enjoy the ability to explore their critical thinking capabilities. The movie has revealed that traditional teaching methods enhanced by banking of information are not effective in the learning process. The movie shows that traditional teaching methods make learning seem useless. This can be seen in when Dewey Finn is forced tom teach the actual content of the class assigned to him. The class is not as lively as when they are discussing music. In the music class, the students are lively and it is evident that the students are eager to learn since they ask questions and give opinions about what the teacher is saying. This is evidence that the class is actually thinking about what is taught during the lesson. This process allows the teacher and his students to cooperate in the learning process as partners (Freire 80). Freire, Paulo. Pedagogy of the Oppressed. New York: Continuum, 1992. Print. Rudin, Scott, Mike White, Richard Linklater, Jack Black, Joan Cusack, Sarah Silverman, Lee Wilkof, Kate McGregor-Stewart, Adam Pascal, Suzzanne Douglass, Joey Gaydos, Miranda Cosgrove, Kevin Clark, Robert Tsai, Maryam Hassan, Rebecca Brown, Caitlin Hale, Rogier Stoffers, Sandra Adair, Craig Wedren, and Karen Patch. The School of Rock. Hollywood, Calif: Paramount, 2003.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Reforma migratoria de Trump y a quiénes afectarÃÂa
Reforma migratoria de Trump y a quià ©nes afectarà a De aprobarse la reforma migratoria que propone el Presidente Donald Trump, se modificarà a radicalmente la situacià ³n legal de un grupo de migrantes indocumentados, se eliminarà an y alterarà an algunos de los caminos ms comunes para sacar la tarjeta de residencia, y se reducirà a drsticamente el nà ºmero total de migrantes legales que se admiten anualmente en Estados Unidos. En este artà culo se explican cules son esas propuestas, a quià ©nes afectarà a y cà ³mo es el proceso legislativo estadounidense necesario para que se aprueben y se conviertan en ley. Propuesta de reforma migratoria para los "Dreamers" Los Dreamers son los inmigrantes indocumentados que llegaron a los Estados Unidos siendo nià ±os. Cualquier tipo de reforma migratoria que se intente llevar a cabo, pasa por la necesidad de encontrar una salida legal a la situacià ³n de estos muchachos. Barack Obama, el anterior presidente, protegià ³ a 700.000 de ellos de la deportacià ³n y les permitià ³ obtener un permiso de trabajo cuando, mediante una accià ³n ejecutiva en 2012, creà ³ el programa de Accià ³n Diferida, conocido en inglà ©s por las siglas de DACA. Sin embargo, en septiembre de 2017 y mediante otra orden ejecutiva, el Presidente Trump puso fin a ese programa de forma escalonada y prohibià ³ presentar nuevas solicitudes. En la actualidad, por decisià ³n judicial el gobierno est obligado a seguir procesando solicitudes de renovaciones, a la espera de que una corte dicte sobre la legalidad de la accià ³n ejecutiva que puso fin a DACA. De aprobarse la propuesta de reforma migratoria, se abrirà a un camino para estos muchachos hacia la ciudadanà a estadounidense, previa obtencià ³n de la residencia permanente, tambià ©n conocida como green card, en un proceso que podrà a demorarse entre 10 y 12 aà ±os. Se estima que esta propuesta beneficiarà a a un total de 1,8 millones de jà ³venes, es decir, los 700,000 de DACA y 1,1 millà ³n ms de personas que podrà an calificar. Para ellos supondrà a pasar de un estatus migratorio de indocumentado a uno legal. Reforma migratoria eliminarà agreen card por reunificacià ³n familiar Una de las iniciativas ms polà ©micas de Trump es la de poner fin a ciertas categorà as de peticià ³n de la tarjeta de residencia permanente para familiares. Se eliminarà an, en primer lugar, las peticiones que, segà ºn la ley actual, pueden realizar los ciudadanos americanos en favor de sus padres, hermanos, hijos casados de cualquier edad e hijos solteros mayores de 21 aà ±os. Es decir, los ciudadanos solo podrà an pedir la green card para sus cà ³nyuges y para sus hijos solteros considerados como nià ±os (child, en inglà ©s segà ºn la terminologà a de las leyes migratorias). En la actualidad, para la ley migratoria que rige este tipo de solicitudes, es considerado como nià ±o toda persona soltera menor de 21 aà ±os de edad. Algunas propuestas de reforma migratoria consideran rebajar a 18 aà ±os la consideracià ³n de nià ±o. En segundo lugar, segà ºn esta propuesta de reforma migratoria, tambià ©n se eliminarà an las peticiones de papeles efectuadas por residentes permanentes en favor de sus hijos solteros mayores de 21 aà ±os, de tal manera que los residentes permanentes solo podrà an pedir la green card para sus cà ³nyuges y para sus hijos solteros menores de 21 aà ±os. Tambià ©n en estos casos se considera rebajar la edad a los 18 aà ±os, en vez de los 21, que es la edad que aplica en la actualidad. Para justificar esta medida de poner fin a ciertas categorà as de inmigracià ³n por reunificacià ³n familiar, Trump argumenta que, en realidad, es una forma de inmigracià ³n en cadena. Por ejemplo, un ciudadano puede pedir a un hermano y puede incluir en la misma solicitud a la esposa de este y a los hijos solteros menores de 21 aà ±os. Con el paso del tiempo, esas personas podrà an obtener la green card y, posteriormente, la ciudadanà a americana por naturalizacià ³n. A partir de ese momento, podrà an realizar sus propias peticiones. Por ejemplo, la cuà ±ada del ciudadano que realizà ³ la primera peticià ³n podrà a pedir a sus padres, hijos mayores de 21 aà ±os o hermanos. Asà , esas personas emigrarà an a Estados Unidos meramente por razà ³n de sus lazos familiares, pero sin tener en consideracià ³n quà © le pueden aportar al paà s. Si se aprobara una reforma migratoria eliminando las categorà as de peticiones de familia mencionadas, se reducirà a automticamente en 400.000 personas el nà ºmero de inmigrantes que legalmente obtienen la green card en Estados Unidos por aà ±o fiscal. En este caso, los perjudicados serà an los 3,9 millones de personas que llevan aà ±os, y en algunos casos dà ©cadas, esperando una visa de inmigrante disponible en su categorà a, como se puede verificar en el boletà n de visas que publica y actualiza cada mes el Departamento de Estado. Entre las personas que ms tiempo llevan esperando estn los hermanos y los hijos casados de ciudadanos americanos de Mà ©xico. Entre los perjudicados tambià ©n estarà an los ciudadanos y los residentes que presentaron la peticià ³n de papeles en favor de un familiar en una categorà a que se eliminarà a. Eliminacià ³n de la loterà a de visas de la diversidad Todos los aà ±os fiscales, se celebra un sorteo gratuito de tarjetas de residencia permanente que se conoce como loterà a de visas de la diversidad y que tiene por objeto facilitar la inmigracià ³n procedente de paà ses con niveles no altos de migracià ³n actual hacia Estados Unidos. Por esta razà ³n, estn excluidos de participar los nacidos en paà ses con altas tasas de migracià ³n, como Mà ©xico, Repà ºblica Dominicana o Colombia, por ejemplo. En la actualidad, la loterà a de visas favorece principalmente a los africanos. Entre los paà ses de habla espaà ±ola, los venezolanos son los que estn ganando por este sistema ms tarjetas de residencia. De eliminarse este programa de la loterà a de visas, los perjudicados serà an las 50.000 personas que anualmente obtienen la tarjeta de residencia por medio de este sorteo. Construccià ³n de muro enla frontera entre Estados Unidos y Mà ©xico La construccià ³n del muro, una de las promesas electorales de Trump, tendrà a un costo de 25 mil millones de dà ³lares. La Casa Blanca pone como requisito para apoyar cualquier medida de regularizacià ³n migratoria para los Dreamers que el Senado y la Cmara de Representantes aprueben el presupuesto para la construccià ³n del muro y que se incremente la partida de dinero destinada a las labores de control en las zonas fronterizas que llevan acabo la Patrulla Fronteriza (CBP, por sus siglas en inglà ©s) y el ICE, la agencia encargada de ejecutar las leyes migratorias. La construccià ³n del muro tiene una fuerte oposicià ³n en Estados Unidos, ya que un buen nà ºmero de legisladores opinan que es muy caro, que la frontera entre los dos paà ses ya est casi en su totalidad separada por una valla y, finalmente, que no servirà a realmente para detener completamente la inmigracià ³n indocumentada. Esto porque se estima que ms de la mitad de todos los migrantes indocumentados presentes en Estados Unidos ingresaron legalmente con una visa y, simplemente, perdieron su estatus al no salir del paà s dentro de plazo. En este caso, se argumenta que la à ºnica solucià ³n para acabar con la migracià ³n indocumentada serà a imposibilitar que pudiese trabajar mediante la imposicià ³n obligatoria en todas las empresas del sistema e-verify para verificar el estatus migratorio de todos los empleados y acompaà ±arla de altas multas a las empresas que den trabajo a inmigrantes sin los documentos en regla. De construirse el muro, los grandes perjudicados serà an los contribuyentes estadounidenses, ya que el dinero no lo pondrà a Mà ©xico, como se habà a anunciado en el fragor de la campaà ±a presidencial del 2016. Creacià ³n de sistema de inmigracià ³n por puntos En el caso de una eventual nueva ley migratoria, el Presidente Trump favorece modificar las categorà as que regulan la inmigracià ³n por trabajo estableciendo un sistema de puntos, similar al que existe en Australia y en Canad. De crearse ese sistema, cada candidato a emigrar recibirà a una serie de puntos en funcià ³n de sus caracterà sticas personales como, por ejemplo, educacià ³n, edad, experiencia laboral y conocimientos de inglà ©s. Cuanto mayor fuera su puntaje, mayores serà an las posibilidades de obtener una green card. Reforma migratoria para indocumentados que no son Dreamers Se calcula que en Estados Unidos hay unos 11 millones de inmigrantes sin papeles. Las propuestas de reforma solamente contemplan la regularizacià ³n de los jà ³venes conocidos como Dreamers, lo cual dejarà a sin legalizacià ³n a aproximadamente nueve millones de migrantes. Todavà a no se ha articulado una propuesta sobre quà © pasarà a con ellos, aunque se estima que no resultarà a factible deportarlos a pesar de las amenazas que frecuentemente se dicen. Quà © es necesario para que se apruebe una ley de reformamigratoria La reforma migratoria es competencia federal y para que se apruebe una ley es necesario la mayorà a simple en la Cmara de Representantes (218 de 435) y la mayorà a simple en el Senado (51 de 100). Una vez que una ley es aprobada por ambas cmaras es necesario que la firme el presidente. Sin embargo, en el Senado hay un recurso de obstruccià ³n legislativa, que se conoce en inglà ©s como filibuster y que permite que uno o varios senadores impidan que una propuesta de ley se vote mediante el uso continuo de la palabra. El filibuster solo puede detenerse cuando no hay ms senadores dispuestos a hablar o cuando asà lo decidan 3/5 del total de senadores (60 senadores). Esto tiene importantes consecuencias prcticas dada la actual composicià ³n del Senado, donde 52 senadores son republicanos, es decir, del mismo partido que el presidente. Para levantar un posible el filibuster que impida votar en la Cmara Alta una propuesta de ley de reforma migratoria del Presidente Trump, los republicanos necesitan al menos ocho votos de senadores demà ³cratas, lo que significa en la prctica que para aprobar esa ley es imprescindible un acuerdo entre los partidos republicano y demà ³crata. Mientras Trump intenta aprobar una reforma migratoria, es recomendable que los migrantes indocumentados en Estados Unidos se asesoren con abogados u organizaciones con excelente reputacià ³n sobre las posibilidades reales para regularizar su situacià ³n, si es que existe alguna. Este es un artà culo informativo informativo. No es asesorà a legal.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Health, Safety & Aviation Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words
Health, Safety & Aviation Law - Essay Example l consignment placed on airplane is not practicable, quite a few routine and technology initiatives have been planned to improve air cargo safety and prevent terrorist and illegal threats. These initiatives comprise: develop the ‘identified shipper’ agenda; enhance cargo inspections; raise the physical safety of air cargo services; increase oversight of air cargo operations; give safety training for cargo employees; and strict controls over access to aircraft throughout cargo operations. Other tools being well thought-out to improve air cargo safety includes tamper-resistant and tamper-evident packaging and containers; explosive detection methods and other cargo screening equipment; blast-resistant cargo containers; and biometric methods for employee identification and right of entry control. The Aviation and Transportation Security Act includes broad measures for cargo screening and safety procedures. The freights carried in passenger airplanes ought to be monitored and its safety ensured. Actually, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has faith in ‘known shipper’ programs to avoid consignments from unidentified sources on a passenger airplane. Various safety procedures have been put in practice to alleviate the risks linked with placing freight on passenger airplane and all-cargo aircraft (Elias, 2003). Various threats linked to air cargo safety comprise: carrying of explosive and incendiary devices; consignments of unrevealed or undetected dangerous materials aboard aircraft; cargo offense including theft and smuggling; and aircraft hijackings and disruption by persons with access to aircraft. Authorities have cautioned that air cargo possibly a potential target for terrorists for the reason that screening and scrutiny of air cargo are at present not as extensive as a mandatory screening of passengers and inspected luggage.Â
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
The influence of the holy mosque of Mecca within popular culture Essay
The influence of the holy mosque of Mecca within popular culture - Essay Example The city of Mecca and the holy mosque has changed over the years. The pilgrimage in Mecca draws around two million to three million people from all over the world to go worship at the Mosque. The city has now become a modern spectacle and people talk about going to Mecca simply because it is popular and not for the significance of it and the pilgrimage (Bosworth, 2007). People send a lot of photos and messages from the site and share them on social media. The popular culture has a lot of influence on people all over the world. People have the pressure of sharing the information and experience of the pilgrimage with the world. The pilgrimage at Mecca has been described as being in twenty super bowls with two million people play the game. The holiest part of the pilgrimage is put to the side, and people decide to focus on all the hype and fun of millions of people visiting Mecca (Stefano, 2000). Saudi Arabia gets a lot of revenue from the event, and it has improved the countrys economy immensely. Mecca has a powerful influence on the other Muslim nations and the Muslims look for opportunities and a chance to be able to visit Mecca in their lifetime (Bosworth, 2007). Most of the people interviewed concerning their reasons for wanting to visit Mecca have answers connected to popular culture instead of it being a holy land. Most of the people want to visit the city and the mosque because it is popular, and people who visit them are considered important in the world. Visiting the city during the annual Hajj is quite expensive, and there are several festivities that accompany the pilgrimage. It is a luxury to visit the city, and people want to go visit the place to have a respectable name in the society. Western culture has a significant influence on the events that take place in Mecca. The people who can afford to go to the holy mosque are urged to make sure they go. The current culture in the world has made Hajj be an event of
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Functioning Of Body Systems Essay Example for Free
Functioning Of Body Systems Essay What is energy? Energy can make changes possible. We use it for our every day lives, it helps to move cars over road and boats over water. Energy is also used to allow our bodies to grow, keep warm and help our minds think. Scientific define energy as the capacity to do work. Energy cannot be destroyed or created, only transported from one source to another. Forms of energy †¢ Potential Energy: Potential is the stored energy of position and the energy of position- gravitational energy. When an object is displaced from its original position and there is energy pulling it back to that position, this works with potential energy. This is when a moving object no longer has kinetic energy; it has potential energy instead. †¢ Chemical energy: Is energy stored which are in the bonds of the atoms and molecules. Batteries biomass, natural gas and coal are examples of stored chemical energy. When chemical energy is burnt it is converted to thermal energy such as burning wood in a fire place. In the human body the glucose is said to have ‘chemical energy’ this is because when chemicals react with oxygen, it releases energy. †¢ Kinetic Energy: Kinetic energy is the energy of motion, its all about where movement happens; even it’s just a simple movement, it still has kinetic energy, like just clapping, dancing, singing, writing, talking, etc. also it’s the energy of motion. [pic] M1 Role of the energy in the human body The Cardiovascular system The human body is made up of the heart and blood vessels; it helps cooling and transportation system for the human body. The main role is to circulate blood through a network of vessel throughout the body to provide individual cells with oxygen and nutrients that help dispose OFF waste (Carbon Dioxide) The Cardiac system gives us energy in the Mitochondria. Metabolism Metabolism is a collection of chemical reactions that take place in the body’s cell. It converts the fuel in the food of which that’s eaten into the energy needed to control everything we do, from moving to thinking to growing. Specific proteins in the body control the chemical reactions of the metabolism, and each of the chemical reaction is coordinated with their body functions. Hormones control the guidance and speed of metabolism. When a person is at rest the speed of metabolism is called basal metabolic rate, this measures the heat produced by metabolism. In the process of metabolism molecules in the digestive system break proteins down into glucose, fatty acids or amino acids, which can be used as an energy source in the body. These become absorbed into the blood, which transports them to the cells. Anabolism The process of anabolism involves simpler molecules combining together to form complex compounds. The main function involves building and storing the proteins. The cells bring together amino acids to form structural and functional proteins. The functional proteins that individually catalyze chemical reactions occur and help fight off diseases that regulate the on-going body process. Cells work in the liver and the muscle, combining molecules of glucose to form glycogen – a compound which is stored. Catabolism The process of catabolism produces energy that’s vital to all activities in the cells. It helps the breaking down of glucose, fatty acids and amino acids to keep the energy and the heat in process. As the process continues, newly digested food, storage glycogen are involved. Breaking down of the fatty acids takes place in two steps. The 1st step which is called Glycolysis, works without oxygen and it produces a small amount of energy. The 2nd stage which takes place is the stage of the Krebs cycle, in this process a series of chemical reactions from Acetyl-CoA with Oxygen, producing carbon dioxide, water and energy. ATP= Adenosine Triphosphate, is the energy needed for cells to function and for muscles to contract. ATP is stored in the muscle and liver Gives Energy by producing: Carbohydrates = Digestion Glucose Fats = Fatty Acids Proteins = Amino Acids This becomes absorbed into the blood is then transported in the cells (muscle, nerve liver). They are then used to produce ATP or it is stored ATP is stored in small amounts, therefore they are stored as: Glucose: Glycogen (Muscle Liver) Fatty Acids: Body Fat Amino Acids: Growth, repair and excreted waste. Cells in the body need energy to function FOOD=ENERGY (E) [pic] Anaerobic Energy Exercise with oxygen Glycogen breaks down into: ATP + CO2 + H20 Using large muscle groups continuously over a period of time Aerobic Glycolisis Fatty Acid Oxidation = The production of ATP from Carbohydrates Fat When exercising is fast and intense, the Cardiovascular cannot supply as much oxygen to the muscles. This is then where anaerobic exercise comes in. Short term effects of physical exercise results from occasional bursts of extra physical activity. Long term effects of physical exercise are the result of frequent physical activity which is moderate and high intensity e.g. activities that involve using lots of muscles and energy and increasing the heart-rate during the activity for at least 20-30 minutes. Exercises without Oxygen Breathing rate increases because of no oxygen available. Glucose is burnt to produce energy and lactic acid, lactic acid can be poison and eventually lead muscles to fatigue and can lead to a cramp, Muscle cramp is on-going, uncontrolled muscle contraction due to lack of oxygen and insufficient blood circulation and can painful. To keep the glucose active essential organs are activated: muscle and liver quickly require a large bust of energy, over a short period of time. The sports involved could be: Weight lifting or long run Anaerobic Glycolysis Anaerobic Glycolisis is less efficient in producing ATP than Aerobic Glycolisis, But is important and needed for a large burst of energy lasting a few minutes Produces ATP from Carbohydrates without Oxygen and works in 2/3 Minutes. Diagram for Aneorobic Respiration Glucose Energy+ Lactic Acid The Respiratory System The respiratory system wokrs from the Nasal Cavity, breathing through the Nasal passages, normally. The air is then passed down the Larynx, producing sounds for speaking. It then travels down the Trachea, passing air down the trachea to the lungs. The trachea splits into two borchi’s, carrying air to each lung. The Bronchi then split into smaller tubes that distribute air to the alveoli. Air then eventually enters the millions of tiny air sacs in the lungs called th alveoli Aeorobic respiration When exercising at a steavy and comfertable rate it helps the Cardiovascular sytem to supply the oxygen with all the oxygen they need. Glucose+oxygen energy+carbon dioxide+water Aeorobic exercise can last for long periods of time, without the person becoming breathless and loosing muscle which goes into lactic and could suffer cramps e.g. from swimming/jogging. This is when we need oxygen, so carbondioxide is breathed in. Tidal Volume This is the amount of air taken into the lungs during breathing when the person is at rest approximately 6 litres per minute is breathed out and exchanges during inspiration and expiration. Vital Capacity This is the maximum volume of air breathed in and following a maximum expiration. Oxygen Deficit The body is unable to supply enough O2 to the muscles that the muscles need, which is where exhaustion is reached causing immediate and reduction in strength. Oxygen Debt ATP Adenosine diphosphate (ADP) + ENERGY + inorganic Phosphate During exercise muscles repeatedly contract and relax, using and requiring ENERGY to exercise. The energy comes from a chemical called adenosine triphosphate- also called ATP that is broken down during exercise into another chemical called Adenosine diphosphate (ADP): When there is plenty of oxygen available in the muscle tissues the Energy for muscle action is produced aerobically In anaerobic energy production, ATP is generated by converting glycogen to lactic acid. Lactic acid is a toxic substance that can only be removed from the body by the supply of further oxygen to the affected tissues anaerobic activity leads to oxygen debt Reference: Teachers Notes Digestive System The primary function for the digestive system is to break down food both mechanically and by the use of enzymes, so that it may be used for by the body for energy and cell growth and repair. Mouth: Digestion begins at the mouth: the teeth cut and grind food into smaller particles that can be swallowed in the saliva, carbohydrates begin to break down the food. Oesophagus: Once you swallow, the food moves into the Oesophagus where the continual waves of involuntary contraction pushes it way down to the stomach. Stomach: As the food enters the stomach the stomach muscles relax to allow a large volume of food to be stored. The stomach muscles churn and mix the food with acids and enzymes, breaking it into much smaller, more digestible pieces. Small Intestines: Enzymes are increased to break down food from the pancreas and glands, breaking the proteins and carbohydrates. It also gets mixed with the product of the liver which helps break down all the fats in our body aiding digestion. Large Intestines: The large intestines continue the food journey, absorbing any water or mineral still remaining. The rest of the content is waste, which is then passed through the rectum where it is stored until they leave the digestive system through the anus as a bowel movement. Homeostatic Roles: †¢ Supplies energy for life’s activities. †¢ Supplies building blocks for macromolecules Stages of food processing This is the process of eating. Which begins when places the food in the mouth or the oral Digestion Digestion is the process where ingested food is broken down into a form that can then be absorbed and assimilated into the tissues of the body. Digestion includes two types of processes †¢ Mechanical (e.g. chewing, grinding, churning, mixing) †¢ Chemical (e.g. enzymes breaking down of food) Absorption †¢ Digested food is absorbed into the bodily fluids blood and lymph. The small intestine increases its surface area and the rate of absorption. Digestive food is broken down by simple sugars, amino acids, etc. which then enter the bloodstream. Elimination †¢ Undigested food materials are discharged from body.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Drug Use Essay -- Drugs Narcotics Research Papers
Drug Use Drug use is part of life in the United States. Some people use drugs for medical purposes and some use them to escape from reality or as a way to cope with problems. There are two main types of drugs, medicines and psychoactive drugs. Medicines are used to help the body fight injury and psychoactive drugs are used to cause a change in the users brain activity. Psychoactive drugs are very dangerous. They produce very powerful changes in the body. What a drug does is called its action and unwanted effects are called side effects. The side effects of a psychoactive drug can range from uncomfortable to life threatening. Abuse of a psychoactive drug often results in dependence or addiction where the body needs the drug to function normally. Withdrawal happens when the body is reacting to not having the drug. Withdrawal can be very painful. There are many risks of using drugs besides what they do to you. You can get AIDS from sharing needles, it can cause mental and physical problems in babies, family relationships can be strained, there are sever legal risks, and there are major cost to society. There are many reason why people us drugs. There are 3 major factors that contribute to the risk of drug abuse in teens. Those factors are family, social, and personal. A family risk factor is poor relationships with family members. If teens have close relationships with their family member they are less likely to expe...
Monday, November 11, 2019
Oriental Pearl Restaurant Business Plan Essay
Executive Summary Oriental Pearl Restaurant is a proposed dumpling restaurant located at Pasadena, CA. It offers a variety of special dumplings and other complementary foods. China has been perfecting the art of dumpling making since the Sung dynasty. Chinese dumplings may be round or crescent-shaped, boiled or pan-fried. The filling may be sweet or savory; vegetarian or filled with meat and vegetables. Dumpling is relatively low in calories and high in nutrition attract weight conscious persons from all walks of life since ancient times. Business description 1. Products and Services The Oriental Pearl Restaurant, located on Pasadena, CA, is a unique eatery that provides customer with freshly made traditional Chinese dumpling and the other complementary foods in a chic setting. Unlike the typical restaurant, Oriental Pearl Restaurant allows people to choose from a carry-out or stay-in option to optimize customer convenience. Most dumpling restaurant does not have a carry-out service, that making Oriental Pearl Restaurant innovative and helpful to those who want dumpling on the go. Oriental Pearl Restaurant also employs senior Chinese food chefs to prepare the food right in front of the customer like teppanyaki restaurant and they can make up your own dumplings as you require, it’s creating an enticing experience on Chinese traditional culture and entertainment for all customers. Like most restaurant, Oriental Pearl Restaurant offers free-Wi-Fi to customers and has free-parking space for every customer. As for food choice, Oriental Pearl Restaurant includes many different types of Chinese cuisine. With the main focus on traditional Chinese dumpling, customers have a broad choice of dumplings ranging from the popular seafood dumpling to the conventional vegetable-meat dumpling to the unique cactus dumpling. You also can make your own unique dumpling, we have professional cook for you anytime. In addition to dumpling, Oriental Pearl Restaurant offers an expansive menu of Chinese cuisine, which will include traditional items and other entrees such as grilled stir-fry and other cooked entrees. For beverages, customers have a choice of green tea along with soda products or water. With an extensive menu and great customer service, Oriental Pearl will beat competing Chinese restaurants and other competitors. 2. Target Customer Base The customers at Oriental Pearl Restaurant could be anyone who enjoys dumpling. However, the businesses are geared toward, but are not limited to Chinese. Due to the close proximity of Chinese community and dumpling is very popular in China; the restaurant should more popular to Chinese. And because of the Oriental Pearl Restaurant located right near the business district of Pasadena, I think these office workers will be able to come here during their lunch time and take a carry-out plate without spending a lot of working time. Oriental Pearl Restaurant can also be a family restaurant, family can call a large order and wait for it to be prepared and send by restaurant staff. Vision and mission statement 1. Mission Statement Oriental Pearl Restaurant will be an inspiring restaurant; our mission is to provide our customers with an outstanding experience of Chinese cuisine dishes, and superior service; let our customers have a good Chinese flavour journey. Chinese food culture has a long history in the world enjoy a high reputation; Oriental Pearl Restaurant will carry forward and promote the Chinese food culture to the whole U.S. 2. Vision Statement In the years to come, Oriental Pearl Restaurant hopes to add a variety of representative Chinese traditional food like Small steamed bun, Bean curd jelly, spring rolls and sticky rice pumpkins cakes to the menu due to its popularity in Los Angeles and growing interest in the United States. With these new additions to these Chinese traditional foods, customers will have more choices in Oriental Pearl. Goals and Milestones 1. Short Term Goals and Milestones: Entice people and good reputation. In the short run, Oriental Pearl Restaurant will first plan to entice people to come and try our food. At the same time keep maintain a good appearance and sanitation in restaurant, give our customers a good environment and feelings. In the first two months, we will create an attractive advertising to entice public and convinces them to come Oriental Pearl Restaurant and try our food, also restaurant will have big discount during this period of time. Secondly we need increase sales in the first five months; in this period restaurant must learn which dumpling or menu items are popular for customers and which fail to attract customers. Then we can publish special deals of these popularly items to entice more people. In this period Oriental Pearl Restaurant should start visibility and start to draw a lot of business in Pasadena and around area. 2. Long Term Goals and Milestones: Become the best Chinese dumpling restaurant in Los Angeles In the long term, our goal is become the best Chinese dumpling restaurant in Los Angeles, use 3 to 5 years to beat out competing Chinese restaurants. Oriental Pearl Restaurant will increase new food to the menu constantly, increase advertising on popular items to draw customers and expand another Oriental Pearl restaurant in Los Angeles to further increase profits and reputation. At the same time, ask our customers to fill customer review sheets in their free time, according to the review, we will review what needs improve. Team members Managing Partner 1. Job Description 2.Degrees, Experiences, Skills Managing Partner 1. Job Description Manage working capital, including receivables, inventory, cash and marketable securities. Prepare financial analyses of operations for guiding management, including reports which outline the company’s income, expenses, and earnings. 2. Degrees, Experiences, Skills: A sophomore at California State University, Northridge majoring in finance Worked at Wynnk Company in Los Angeles. Job: finance assistant. Language Skills: Mandarin, English, a little Japanese. Managing Partner 1. Job Description 2. Degrees, Experiences, Skills
Saturday, November 9, 2019
US Economy
The Jan aura release of the most current GAP became available showing that the fourth quarter GAP was 4. 1 . While with recent government regulation they lowered the first quarter GAP to 2. 5 percent. However, following the report will include a statement about my personal prediction for the remainder of the 2014 fiscal year using sets of very complex variables and skilled opinions. Unemployment Rating: The unemployment rate in the United States as anticipated by the IIS Federal Bureau of Economic Analysis is around 6. 7 percent as of the beginning of the 2014 in February as demonstrated on the graph pictured above.This number s estimated using the numbers given for persons in the United States that have been actively looking for job opportunities as a percentage of the labor force. This number has been gradually decreasing since July 201 2 and will continue to decline as the job market continues to expand with new technologies and education. Although, during the holiday seasons the unemployment always goes down, but as soon as they end, such as after Christmas and thanksgiving the number increases by almost 2 percent. The number of federal employees in 201 2 decreased to almost 22 million jobs which is . Percent less than the year before. Due to the fact that these numbers are only compiled every five years, this . 5 percent decrease is quite shocking to many people. These employees include policemen, nurses, and teachers along with many more. While the number of unemployment among the youth continues to increase, the percentage of adult men and women without health insurance will also continue to rise with the execution of Obama care. Unemployment Rate February 2014 Month/Month Year/Year National 6. 7% +0. 1 Florida 6. 2% 0. -17 As shown in the chart above, the unemployment rate of Florida is demonstrated versus the rest of the United States. Governor of Florida, Rick Scott announced that Florist's statewide unemployment rate for May 2013 dropped to 7. 1 perc ent, the lowest rate since September 2008. Florist's rate was down O. 1 percentage point from Aprils rate of 7. 2 percent and continues to fall below the national average, which went up to 7. 6 percent in May. As Florida continue to distance itself from the national unemployment rate it is clear that the state government will succeed in growing opportunities for Florida families.Due to the incredible successes that Florida communities had experienced, Florist's unemployment rate is well below the national average. Gross Domestic product (GAP)I The gross domestic product (GAP) measures of national income and output for a given country's economy. The gross domestic product (GAP) is equal to the total expenditures for all final goods and services produced within the country in a stipulated period often. The Gross Domestic Product (GAP) in the Lignite States was worth 15684. 80 billion US dollars in 2012. The GAP value of the United States represents 25. 30 percent of the world economy. GAP in the United States is reported by the The World Bank Group. From 1960 until 201 2, the united states GAP averaged 5725. 9 USED Billion reaching n all time high of 1 5684. 8 USED Billion in December of 2012 and a record low of 520. 5 USED Billion in December of 1960. At the beginning of the first quarter of 2014 the GAP was 2. 4 percent due to the recent government sanctions to promote businesses and services locally instead of internationally. Although, the US Federal Bureau of Economic Analysis states that the United States represents 25. 30 percent of the world's economy.The increase in real GAP in 201 3 primarily reflected positive contributions from personal consumption expenditures (PACE), exports, residential fixed investment, nonresidential fixed investment, and private inventory investment that were partly offset by a negative contribution from federal government spending The deceleration in real GAP growth in 201 3 primarily reflected a deceleration in nonresidential fixed investment, a larger decrease in federal government spending, and decelerations in PACE and in exports that were partly offset by a deceleration in imports and a smaller decrease in state and local government spending.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Coffee Shop ( Editing ) Example
Coffee Shop ( Editing ) Example Coffee Shop ( Editing ) – Essay Example COFFEE SHOP BUSINESS PLAN Presented By: Department Coffee House Business Plan Mission ment: My objective is to provide a highly customized, gourmet coffee experience to my customers in a luxurious yet aesthetically appealing vintage environment. Unique Selling Points: Air roasted coffee: The hand-picked coffee beans would be air roasted, rather than following the conventional method of drum roasting. This would ensure a superior level of taste, quality and texture, over the contemporary coffee shops. (, 2015). A complementary dessert would accompany a premium cup of coffee. Vintage Environment: The coffee shop would have an exotic environment, completed with antique style furnishings, and walls adorned with artwork. This would definitely attract the up-scale clientele. Vigorously trained, friendly and professional staff. A highly-customized coffee experience, allowing the customers to choose the intensity of flavors, the texture, the base bean, and the brewing method for their custom-blend. Market Segmentation: Our target market mainly consists of affluent professionals and white-collar workers looking for a quiet place to relax and rejuvenate themselves after a tiring day; retired personnel who want to sit back and enjoy their leisure time sipping their favorite beverage; and students who need a break from their studies or a cool place to hangout. Market Research: Coffee shops or cafes have become extremely, popular, promising and productive business option during the past few years (, 2015). Apparently, there is strong competition in the market, with a number of established coffee franchises like Starbucks, Costa Coffee, The Coffee Bean, and many others ruling the market. However, these offer virtually similar and generic type of beverages, which bore the adventure-seeking and up-scale consumers. Our product/service business aims to fill this niche in the market by providing an unconventional and perfectly tailored coffee experience. (Marketing Donut, 2015) Location: The coffee shop will be located in a densely populated and commercialized area in New York City, surrounded by offices, apartments and educational institutions. This would highlight the stark contrast between the hustled outside environment, and the peaceful and quite environment of the coffee shop. Reference List, (2015). Coffeehouse Sample Business Plan - Executive Summary. [online] Available at: [Accessed 24 Jan. 2015]. Marketing Donut, (2015). Writing a business plan. [online] Available at: [Accessed 24 Jan. 2015]., (2015). What is Air Roasted Coffee? | The Pilots Blog. [online] Available at: [Accessed 24 Jan. 2015].
Monday, November 4, 2019
Black Rain Essay Research Paper BLACK RAIN
Black Rain Essay, Research Paper BLACK RAIN by Masuji Ibuse The chief character in the novel is in some ways like myself. Mr. Shizuma is a individual that is intrigued by many things and likes to see what reaction people have from any action. Throughout the novel he feels the demand to travel to different parts of the metropolis and environing communities in order to see the effects of the unknown bomb. Mr. Shizuma was non merely interested in what happened to the people of the community but he was besides interested in happening out what the arm used was called and made out of. There were different names given to the bomb throughout the book and he sums up the names in one paragraph, The name of the bomb had already undergone a figure of alterations, from the initial? new arm? through? new-type bomb, ? ? secret arm, ? ? particular new-type bomb, ? to? particular high-capacity bomb. ? That twenty-four hours, I learned for the first clip to name it an? atomic bomb. ? ( Black Rain 282 ) The importance of the name of the bomb may look ineffective, but he seems to brood on happening out what caused this type of devastation. Something else that Mr. Shizuma wants to make is retrieve every small item about what happens to everything from what angle the house was on after the bomb to what his married woman cooked for dinner with the nutrient rationing. He even likes to compose how people cured themselves of radiation illness and what the Burnss and other hurts look and act like. These things are like myself in the fact that he does non wish to bury what things are like, wants to see first manus what the effects are, and is really interested in happening information about new things that he has neer seen earlier. He besides likes to aid people greatly such as his changeless rovings looking for coal for his community. If you were depended on would you help your community? I think so. The subject that is really meaningful to me is that war hurts two different parts of a state. The first is the armed forces, which was non truly speak approximately, and so there is the civilians. The civilians must ration nutrient so that the military can eat, and so they must besides suffer because the bomb that was dropped was non meant for any military base but to destruct and kill a metropolis. The subject is clear in intending that it hurts the civilians much more than it hurts the military and that war is really, really barbarous. The people that were rationing had really small to eat and that sum became smaller as the war continued. Peoples were forced to grow carp in little, and hunt for mussels in pools in order to acquire any type of meat. By the terminal of the war there were no mussels left in any of the many watercourses and there were besides no fish in any of the pools. The lone thing that survived were the eels who were seen swimming up the river a twenty-four hours before the resignation was given. This was a mark of metempsychosis. It merely took a twelvemonth after the Hiroshima bombardment for the resignation and during that clip the authorities did non assist any of the people that truly were hurt by the war, the civilians. It was strange that the people felt any compunction at all for losing the war when the authorities that they were supposed to believe in left them homeless and without any nutrient. Innocent, unarmed people killed and mangled by a arm that could kill the full planet. For what intent was the bomb dropped? Mr. Shizuma made many comments about how if the resistance would hold merely waited a piece longer they would non hold had to drop the bomb because the state was internally falling apart. This seems to me that the dropping of the bomb was nil but a scientific discipline experiment to the? resistance? . That is the concealed subject to this novel. The lone type of individual that could perchance read this book is a individual that is really unfastened minded to other thoughts. To most people from the United States the bomb was necessary in order to halt the war. In the eyes of the Japanese the bomb was non needed to halt the war. Which side is true? The reply is both sides. To hold an unfastened head and to be able to accept new thoughts is important when you look at people from a different type of background and manner of thought. To read this novel you must besides hold a pretty solid tummy because there are many elaborate entries about lesions and the manner that the tegument starts to run right off the life organic structure. The whole narrative is told from the eyes and ideas of the chief character Mr. Shizuma is different than any first manus history that I have of all time read and a reader must be willing to acquire into that character in order to acquire the message, feelings, and pictures that Mr. Shizuma is seeking to set away. The novel is written highly clear but one of the jobs is that it gets slow every one time in a piece if Mr. Shizuma gets something into his head so he decides to acquire it done. The pool that his friend is turning carp in is traveled to what seems to be about a 1000 times. What is good about the many travels to these same topographic points is that each clip the scene alterations somewhat with person going ill or the carp turning. What a individual needs to read this book is careful idea because of the little alterations and besides a map seems to turn inside your caput of the different topographic points that he goes to. These topographic points are described in so much item that it does non take really much imaginativeness to see what is traveling on and what he is seeing. The rubric has a batch to make with the book because the rubric is how the whole thing started, with Mr. Shizuma? s girl coming place with black musca volitanss on her tegument where the black rain had hit her. It could non be washed away and it burnt through vesture. The stoping to the novel was satisfactory because the terminal of the war was a good topographic point to stop the novel. The lone job that I can see with this type of stoping is that the reader wants to cognize what has happened to the community after a few old ages but what the author is seeking to state is really clear and implemented with people shouting because they lost the war. The weeping was non merely because the war was lost but besides for the people that died, or are dyeing, in the community. Besides the weeping was besides from fright of what was traveling to go on to them now that another state had control of them. The work forces largely feared that they were traveling to be castrated but they knew that the state would neer be the same but they would be able to eat. The eels that were viewed in the river were still in the larvae phase and they were swimming upstream. This gives the adult male in the narrative hope that things will be all right and that they hold the power to construct a new community and assist his household trade with the illness that his girl has. The overall significance of the novel is that war makes things difficult for the people that have to remain at place and back up their soldiers. The bosom of any state is with the general population and when that general population was hit with something unknown it did non merely floor the remainder of the state but it made the state wonder if they were strong plenty. Peoples will draw through for themselves and household before they think about what is traveling to go on to the manner that they live. This novel shows the power and wonder of the human spirit. It does carry through what it set out to make, demo the consequence on the losing side of war.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
The Effect of Rising Sea Levels on Global Coasts Essay
The Effect of Rising Sea Levels on Global Coasts - Essay Example Hence, the additional burden of climate change on these resources is a matter of concern. The rise in sea level is correlated with a global rise in temperature. The geographical impacts of rising sea levels include the flooding of major coastlines, changes caused to the coral reefs and marine life, the effects on wetlands, marshlands and tidal inlets, the outcomes on hurricanes and other occurrences, and changes in the chemical composition of oceans. The future effects of global warming on ice-bound polar regions may result in increasing rises in sea levels. The purpose of this paper is to determine the various geographical effects of rising sea levels on global coasts. The ways in which these will impact on mankind will be discussed, and the measures to reduce the adverse effects will be identified. Research evidence points to a discernible effect on the earth’s climate caused by greenhouse gases which emerge mainly from anthropogenic or human activities. These effects are intensifying in the 21st century with various climatic effects including a higher rate of global sea level rise (Warrick et al: 257). Wthin 30 kilometers of the coastline, 21% of the world’s population already lives and these populations are growing at twice the global average (Nicholls et al: S69). The potential impacts of sea-level rise are being assessed, in order to formulate policies and implement appropriate remedial measures. Major changes in sea level have occurred over the centuries, which is evident from eroded landforms such as cliffs, depositional features such as coral reefs, biological indicators such as organisms whose fossils indicate the position of the old shoreline, archaelogical remains such as submerged dwellings or ports, and historical documents and records (Haslett: 128). Unlike other forms of climate change, increasing rise in sea-level is already a global problem. Rising sea levels can directly submerge low-lying wetland and dryland
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